Forlorn.of.thee (fa'lo:n ŭv thē), p, my only strength and stay,forlorn of thee, whither shall I betake me, where subsist?
Paradise Lost by John Milton

Monday, July 3, 2023

Growing Up


I was growing up and fast.

Proof of that, I took up smoking. Tried Marlboros to Camels (too strong), JPS and Bensons (too smooth), finally settling for Stuyvesants (just right). It was odd, how one managed competitive soccer and smoking. I can only attribute it to the vigours of youth.

Took up serious reading, drifted from Enid Blyton to Westerns, fondly remember the sexy passages in Gilman's Edge.

Started reading Asimov's Foundation, science fiction and fantasy are still my favourite genres, now some decades on. Westerns were abandoned along the way, though I must confess recently enjoying Steven King's Dark Tower series.

If smoking and sexist western intellect were insufficient to attract the girls, was also a DJ, playing funky music, wiring strobes and ultraviolet lamps for school hall discos. Had the customary groupies, three strawberry blonde girls in tow.

That for a fifteen year old, was the ultimate definition of C-O-O-L!


Sassy Souhern Woman said...

Question here as I am a bit confused. Being a smoker too, I am wondering if you are implying that you don't believe the hype about smoking being bad for people? Frankly, I am inclined to believe that if it is, it has a lot to do with a person's genes. I read something that certain people not having their gene pool watered down and as a result, they did not get sick as much as those who's were. Don't ask me. I am at the age to where I only remember the topic but not the text.

Cool huh? It sure sounds like you were certainly a jock. Bet you still are. Good on you for being in shape well enough to enjoy that kind of lifestyle. In my younger days, I too was cool. Anything physical that I wanted to undertake wasn't hard. It was pure fun. My gene pool wasn't watered down. ha ha

Now, I have those awesome memories as you do. Not saying that you are old. I have no clue. Keep doing what please you. Life is shorter than we think.

Young Werther said...

Wonderful to see you back Sassy Southern Woman. I was worried there was no one blogging or visiting blogs anymore, much like "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

You're right to say life is too short to stop enjoying it.