Jenna Talackova (Miss Canada) Andrej Pejic (as Miss Australia)As if life's not tricky enough, discovered that Miss Universe now allows "non-women" to compete. I guess it's nothing too extraordinary as
Miss Tiffany's Universe transsexual beauty pageant has been around for quite while. If I were
Goldman Sachs, would be recommending a merger, imagine the synergies.
So this year, Canada's offered up Jenna Talackova, and to go one better, we're going to put forward our own Andrej Pejic for Miss Universe 2012.
Grosses me out. If you aren't BORN with a squueze box, you shouldn't be able to be a cpntestant. I mean, why not have a transgender USA?
On another less grumpy note YW, I am thinking of visiting Southern Ocean Lodge in Kangaroo Island early next year. If you are anywhere near there, would you like to get together for lunch?
spelling - contestant
Ohhh... unfortunately I'm based in Sydney, and Kangaroo Island is nearer Adelaide some 900 miles away :(
Next visit, we'll do lunch!
Darn. Same continent is getting a bit better though:)
I think the plane stops in Sydney. I'll wave!
Oh gosh, Andrej is absolutely gorgeous and a hands down winner. I agree with Cinderella there should be another competition or pageant or whatever they call it. I remember seeing the lady Boys from Thailand at the Edinburgh Festival. It was art in its highest form. They were absolutely drop dead gorgeous! And yes, I added you to my blogroll. I have been trying to get everyones blog links and my new comment system does not link to your name unless you key in your website. Thanks for that and no I am not letting him keep mowing the lawn, I may have to concrete it lol. he is clearly bored out of his tiny mind and needs a hobby.
Lilly, wish my neighbour mowed my lawn...
I'll bet their bio's are far more interesting than those of the "typical" contestant. They might lose points on walking the runway, though - I've yet to see a transgendered man work it gracefully in 4" stilettos!
Same continent is getting a bit better though
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